Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Pop Culture Rantage

I take back everything I ever said about the dearth of funneh on SNL.

*wipes tears* Y'all are welcome. Oh, and this is gaked from Saradia on LJ.

Oh, and while I'm on the funneh, I'd like to take a moment to pimp An Evening With Kevin Smith 2: Evening Harder. Yessssss.....I got it for the hubby for his b-day, and it's hysterical. I love a man who can be intelligent AND funny. Kev doesn't know it, but he was my sekrit boyfriend until he got married. *sigh* Of course, I married my own adorable fanboy, so I'm okay with his decision now. LOL!

ETA: I forgot to mention Mewes. He's actually kinda cute now that he's cleaned up and sober. OMG, did I say that??

1 comment:

Bernita said...

It's priceless!