Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Preaching to the Choir...

Y'all know I'm a sucker for cheesecake reading. In fact, since Harlequin recently got into the ebook game I decided to check out their naughty line and see if there was anything I liked there. And lo, there is - I am currently digging Nancy Madore and Jina Bacarr. So I got this nifty little message from Harlequin in my inbox:

Instant and Portable eBooks!

Dear Heather,

Life is busy. And sometimes, it's difficult to carry around your favorite books especially if they're in hardcover! That's why I love eBooks. Not only are they easy to download, but they are instant an dportable. Plus, we never sell out! With a few easy clicks, you can enjoy over 100 new eBooks every month! Browse our extensive selection and see for yourself how easy it is to enjoy eBooks!

Sister, you're preaching to the choir here. :D

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