Monday, April 18, 2011

TBR pile

Not nearly enough romance to be my nook, y'all...

The To-Be Read Pile is EPIC, y'all.

Forever Vampire, Michele Hauf

Sabine...and the Beast, Moira Rogers (totally psyched about this one. Hot Scot werewolf? Where can I get one of my own??)

Blood of the Maple, Dana Marie Bell (dryads and vampires, oh my!)

A Borrowed Scot, Karen Ranney (in progress!)

The Girl in the Steel Corset, Kady Cross

Silver Bound, Ella Drake

Finished, to Be Reviewed, soon!

Stone Kissed, Keri Stevens (t'was good, would like to do a tag team w/Katie on it)

The Twisted Tale of Stormy Gale, Christine Bell (let me tell you, this story was short, sweet and so good that I turned around and bought Naughty Godmother by her alter ego Chloe Cole. OMG.

Also, in a semi-related note, I am so totally pumped for the steampunk-a-palooza at Carina Press. Both the steampunk titles I've read from Carina were awesome and I am looking forward to trying some more. Y'all take the nook shop browser away from my hands until I get the backlist done though, all right?

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