Tuesday, April 29, 2008

good reads!

Hey Gloria!

I'm reading Son of the Morning right now and it's AWESOME! I hope the Naked Gentleman worked out as well for you! :D

Incidentally, gentle readers, I must mention just how fabulous Sally MacKensie's Naked series is - Kayleigh Jamison got me started on them and now we're going through the whole series! They are Regency through and through, and while more risque than a traditional Cartland, but it's appropriate for a Regency, if that makes sense. It's got the playful banter and underlying sexual tension and it's...like chocolate mousse - decadent and light as air.

I'll post more about Son of the Morning later, but for now I'm totally sucked into it. The hero's a hunky Scot, and there's time travel, and Grace, the heroine is awesome - intelligent and attractive, but not too much - not Mary Sue perfect.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

The simple things

As you all know, I just celebrated my birthday. Today my son's godmother (and one of my beffies since high school) came over, and brought me a couple gifts.

She got me a Diva Cup - not of interest to you gentlemen, I know, but I've been thinking about getting one cause it's more ecologically friendly.

She also bought me one of my most fave goodies - a Terra Nostra Rice Milk Choco bar. I know, a chocolate bar? But when you're vegan you eat a LOT of dark chocolate, and milk chocolate is verboten - and even if it weren't, it bothers my tummy. So the Terra Nostra bar is rice milk, and easy on my tum. And the kind she bought, they don't sell at my local health food stores. I can get the plain bar and then fight the Sithling for it. You know it's good cause Mr Picky loves it, LOL.

The final thing she got me, which I thought was very thoughtful and very her, was a National Geographic magazine, from April 1975. *G* I am reading it now. I'm gonna have to take some pics of the ads, omg. I wish my scanner wasn't dead, or I'd scan samples for you.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


Well, I'm almost 33. LOL. We're going to Epcot for my b-day this week, so I'll be out for most of the week. I used to work at Epcot, but I've never taken the Sithling, so it'll be his first time. Epcot, if you've never been, is HUGE, TONS of walking. It's nicknamed Every Person Comes Out Tired, cause there's a lake in the middle and you have to traverse it to see all the countries. The Flower and Garden Festival is going on right now, so expect much picspam when I return.

Speaking of b-day stuff, I was out loading up on books, and I came upon a fellow reader in the romance aisle. I gave her a couple rec's, she gave me a couple, and eventually asked to see my site and book. Of course, I have fuckall in print, cause I haven't subbed anywhere, and haven't edited. Ironic, considering the whole time I ran AA I never had anyone ask me, probably because I didn't get out enough. However, it was a nice experience, just for the fact that it reminded me "oh yeah, THIS is why I write, cause I'm not just talking to myself." *G*

Ta for now, my lovelies. I gotta get ready for the trip.
