Friday, March 10, 2006


Well, I have a fabulous new haircut, given by a fabulous hairstylist. *giggles* He said it "draws its influence from the 80s." It does indeed! Pass me the AquaNet, guys!

In other news, my mother cracks me up. Upon receiving my email about creating my author site, she replied:
I bookmarked it - not sure I am ready to read it..........

LOL! I guess it's one thing to know your daughter writes erotic romance, and another to read it, eh?


Unknown said...

Great hair.... I do love the color very cool :::handing over aqua net:::

And on mothers... who knows, she may surprise you. I know my mom did...

Savannah Jordan said...

DUDE I love the do! :) Me, I don't think I'm parting with my fluffy gold Goddess mane just yet :)

As to mothers... nah hah, mine won't convert. Mom or MIL... Somebody wanna share theirs?? :)

Heather K said...

Hee! My mom was the first person to tell me that I ought to be a writer, and when Steph and I founded Aphrodite's Apples, her only words were, "It's about time!" so I really can't complain as far as Mamas go.

Speaking of your fluff-a-liciousness, did you get that domain yet? I'll start uploading stuff when you do. :D

Tsavo Leone said...

Parents and writing - sheesh!

I finally let my folks know about my blog, and it's darker aspects. Of course, I kind of forgot that I had two or three slightly racier pieces on there!

Still, Ma seemed to take it quite well that her only son was writing sex scenes now...

Savannah Jordan said...

Fluff-a-liciousness is at the mercy of the credit card holder. *pouts* As soon as I get it I will let you know :)

Tsavo~ Racier pieces? Heh. Do NOT send them my way. :)

Heather K said...

Tsavo, my mom's been in the know about me writing naughty stuff for years, but I think it's another thing for her to actually see it, LOL!